ビオスルス エクスフォリエイティングジェル 75ml(ビオテルム)の口コミ
Biosource Clarifying Exfoliating Gel NS Skin 75ml/2.5oz

by Tanya(普通肌,30才) 2010/01/26i have sensitif skin but i love use this stuff,.kind they have wonderfulingredient include dead sea salt ,..i use warm water to rinse up my face m,i got my face renew and GLOWING ,.best scrub behind my fav clinique 7 day scrub ,..COOL -
by run(女性,敏感肌) 2012/01/06使用者、女性。香りが好きだしスクラブが細かいのもいい感じです。
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i have sensitif skin but i love use this stuff,.kind they have wonderfulingredient include dead sea salt ,..i use warm water to rinse up my face m,i got my face renew and GLOWING ,.best scrub behind my fav clinique 7 day scrub ,..COOL
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